Sunday, January 31, 2021

Reconnecting the Ocean Park module

The Ocean Park module has been hanging on a wall in the basement since late last March. Back then I thought that around September I'd take it down to begin preparations for Christmas showings of the layout. That was all scuttled. I haven't assembled all the modules since last March. So, for no other reason than to see if all the modules could be reconnected I got Ocean Park off the wall and got to work. 

I was happy to see it connected just fine. There wasn't any warpage to any of the pieces. Last time I ran it the loop got its power from rail joiners from the Ocean Blvd line. Even though I had  soldered power leads to the loop I hadn't attached them to the main track power. That'll be the first job as I don't want to continue to rely on rail joiners at the module boundary for power.