Thursday, October 28, 2021

Stairs fixed

Using foam to fill the stairs to scenery gap, and then filling the remaining cracks with Celluclay, did the trick. The whole thing dried solidly within 24 hours. So, note to myself: don't fill large gaps with equally large wads of Celluclay. Build up the scene as much as possible with foam, and then apply the Celluclay in thin layers.

It's now on to smoothing the roadbed, filing and shaping the shoreline rocks, and then priming the whole thing with white acrylic paint before installing the track.


  1. Did I miss the bit where you built the stairs?


    1. I didn't post about actually making the stairs, only about the problem I had with blending them into the surrounding scenery with Celluclay. I should have called this post: Scenery around stairs fixed :-)

      Speaking of the stairs, they are built up from small sheets of 0.060" styrene stacked one on the other. They're held together with Revell Contacta glue, my new go-to glue for styrene.
