Tuesday, September 8, 2020

3 versions of the 1

You'll need to enlarge this picture to get a good view.
Martin kindly sent me these photos of walls and roofs of three different boxings of the Weekly Herald to show the various colours it was moulded in over the years.

Over on the left is a '70s boxing from Revell, in the centre is the '70s AHM boxing I'm building, and on the right is the Con-Cor, which I think is from the late '70s or early '80s. They could be built as is, but I think if you wanted a more realistic appearance for your layout, they'd all require painting.


  1. Interestingly Art Curren mentioned hitting bare plastic with Dullcote and applying weathering (usually diluted Floquil colors) as desired. I can see that working on a brick color like the red or possibly the tan, but the yellow? That brick belongs on a road in Oz...

    1. I guess yellow brick is from a time gone by. When I was working on ELM's Bookery ( https://30squaresofontario.blogspot.com/2011/06/uncle-charleys-bookery-done.html ) I remember it called for yellow brick. I used some self-adhesive sheets from Micromark. I tried to re-stock recently, and they informed me they no longer make it. Not much call for yellow brick these days I guess.

    2. Yes, I suppose yellow brick isn't used much anymore. Though, while what you used on Uncle Charley's is yellow in name, I'd say it's more a tan or sandy yellow than the bright mustard or muted lemon in the photo above. Especially after you toned it down. I've always been a fan of the clay orange brick you find down south.

    3. I need to post the picture of the Superior Bakery kit - the walls are a serious blue!
