Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Switching chocolate

This is an aerial view of the level crossing at Art Park. You can see the big mistake in the upper right corner of the photo. The stop line for traffic doesn't align with the lowered barrier. Stopping at the barrier while the arm was lowering would result in a big surprise for the occupants of the car! What happened was when I first installed the crossing barrier, the vertical part was too close to the track and trains collided with it, so it had to be moved - I really should repaint the road lines too.

The Baker's Chocolate car came from a hobby store in Los Angeles called Arnie's. It was nearby the hotel Debra and I were staying at back in the fall, so I had to give it a look. It's excellent. I have a soft-spot for tank cars and always buy interesting ones even if they don't make much prototypical sense for my layout.

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