Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Two Worlds Collide

After writing about the Hot Wheels Dodge Rampage conversion I started to wonder if the E. L. Moore Husky VW Pickup might fit into the scene I had in mind.

In an earlier post I noted the Husky VW Pickup is in 1/66 scale according to internet sources and that made it a bit large for HO scenes; however, 1/66 is close to 1/64 so it might be ok for the S-scale Mt. Lowe tribute layout.

Wikipedia tells me the VW pickup stands 1940mm tall. In 1/64 scale that's 30.3mm, and 29.4mm in 1/66. In comparison, a 6' tall man would be 28.6mm tall in 1/64 scale. The Husky toy stands about 24mm tall. The photo makes it quite clear it's too small for either 1/64 or 1/66 scale, and the 6' tall test figure in the photo proves the point. He should be just 1mm or so shorter than the VW's roof.

The VW is closer to 1/81 scale, so that sort of explains why it doesn't look too bad in E. L. Moore's photos.

Well, all is not lost. If I can find just the right spot in the scene the VW might look ok as long as there aren't any strict S-scale items or tall figures nearby to give up the ruse. Hmm. now that I think about it, maybe I need an S-scale photographer up on Inspiration Point...

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