Monday, September 9, 2024

Mountain o' Foam

I spent some time roughing in all the mountain shapes with odds-and-ends of foam sheeting. I wanted to have all the basic shapes established and adequate support in place before I started casting rock surfaces from the molds.

All the supporting foam is in place except for the pieces that will make up the Granite Gate. I'm still thinking about how to make that shape.

Those little black boxes that have been inset in the styrofoam walls shown in the above photo house the on-off power switches for the nearby track switches. They were built up from scrap pieces of 0.080" thick styrene.

This 'back' part will look rather foreboding once it has been detailed. I'm playing with ideas to visually bridge the two lobes to lessen that feeling. 

The next step will be to squirt some spray foam into any gaps between the foam pieces so the structure is as rigid as I can get.

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