Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ain't No Mountain Lowe Enough

Result of wart trimming with knives and saws

I thought I'd try using a hot wire foam cutter to trim and shape all the Great Stuff warts. Things didn't work out.

I went to my local hobby shop and bought a brand new hot wire cutter (made by that scenery company whose initials are WS), but no matter what I did, no matter how I fiddled and adjusted and reassembled it, the wire would not heat up. It was stone cold. After a long while I gave up and pulled out the knives and saws and sanding blocks and went at trimming and shaping the mountain old school style. I'm only about 1/3 of the way through, but things aren't looking too bad even though it's taking much more work than I had planned on.

I don't want to end on a low(e) note, so I'll leave you with the legendary Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye*:

*As well as a great song sung by great performers there's an added train bonus in this video. The song was released in 1967 and it looks like the video was shot at Expo '67 somewhere near the Ontario pavilion. At the 2:43 mark you can clearly see the Minirail passing by as well as making a brief appearance earlier in the video.