Wednesday, August 10, 2022

E. L. Moore's little layout stand

1" = 1' model of the stand for E. L. Moore's EHRR

Paul pointed out the layout stand bares a resemblance to the stand E. L. Moore built for his Enskale Hoentee RR. I had forgotten about the EHRR stand, but I did have a couple of photos of the model Mr. Moore made of it. They can be found in this post, and over on the left for convenience. These days I think the stand would be a nice piece of conversational furniture in the same vein as Bill Baron's mid-century coffee table layout. These sorts of tables could possibly make model railroading a little more convivial. Hmmm, but first it needs some wheels :-)


  1. Okay, yours is way taller and less likely for a cat to pounce atop it. I don't know if your stand also lifted like his, but remember to take the trains off it first. LOL

    1. I'll have to read the articles again to see how he attached the layout to this table, or if it was built up directly on the table.

    2. I can't recall, either, but you need to keep yours separate to carry outside or to display at a show, maybe on a T-Trak table. Unless it's wobbly, then put on some clasps underneath; something easy to undo.

    3. On mine I was thinking of adding some corner ledges so the layout couldn't accidentally be knocked off. The stand isn't too wobbly, but I think it does need a weight on the bottom. I'm thinking of some sort of beam with weights attached that I can lay over a pair of the bottom horizontal struts.
