Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Greetings!

On Friday the Christmas cards we mailed out were returned. Debra intercepted the mailman as he was trying to stuff them into our mailbox, and asked him what was going on. He said likely the sorter, it wasn’t clear if the sorter was a human or machine, couldn’t read the recipients’ addresses, rejected the envelopes, and sent them back. I don’t know how Canada Post works, but the sorter seemed to be able to read our return address ok, which was written in the same hand, with the same pen. Anyway, the mailman recommended sticking a big, white label on the centre of each envelope, writing on the recipient’s address, and popping them back in the mail. This is the first time this has happened, and although only a minor headache in the grand scheme of things, seems par for the course in 2021.

I took this as a signal to post some non-returnable greetings, and wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


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