Monday, July 19, 2021

The Trashman Cometh

I set to work on the weekend taking apart the Ocean Park module for trash pickup today. It's only been around for a year-and-a-half or so, which made me wonder if it was a waste of time and effort.

Yes and no I guess. Yes, in that it was never scenicked, and didn't get used very much. No, in that I learned a lot about module construction and the use of foam as a base material. In fact, taking it apart wasn't an easy task, and I found the module, and the test track loop, to be quite rigid and strong. This gives me confidence that an all foam layout base will be sufficient for the new layout. Not to mention that this helped me keep my mind off lockdown.

So, getting rid of these pieces is also my way of getting rid of what became my lockdown layout, and getting on with things now that the covid wave seems to be subsiding.

Well, that's that. The pieces have been moved from the garage to the curb awaiting their final ride to the great layout room in the sky - or the dump :-)


  1. Cathartic. I like the idea of purging the things that may, in some way, represent our lockdown experience. A ritual purge of sorts. Hmmm...

    1. I'm happy with the buildings I made during lockdown, but the layout, although started before the pandemic, just seemed wrong. I've got some more cleanup to do before 'officially' starting the new one.
