Monday, July 12, 2021

The HQ's exterior is done!

I figured I'd get the lead out and at least finish the HQ's exterior before jumping into some new projects.

And it didn't need much, just some steps and a sign.

I didn't have a grand plan for the sign. I just decided to rummage around the scrapbox and see what I could make from what I had. 

I had bought some self-stick foam letters a long time ago and thought they might look good on this project. I picked out the ones I needed and stuck them to some styrene strip as a base. The base was then stuck to a styrene I-beam for attaching the whole thing to the facade. 

The letters are painted with Tamyia copper paint left over from the roof of last year's Weekly Herald project.

I'm thinking of going over the brickwork with some toothpaste to liven up the mortar work. Interior details still need to be added, but for now I'm going to declare this exercise in N to HO scale kitbashing done and move on.


  1. JD

    Bravo! Well done. When do you move in? Of is that your truck with a load of your stuff leaving for another load. I hate moving! Next time, if there is a next time, I am going to hire movers...


    1. Thanks! All I need to do now is invent some sort of shrinking machine to get all my stuff inside :-) But seriously, it should have a prominent location on the new layout.
