Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Looking for a Natural History Museum in a Power Station

I was puttering around the house over the weekend, and for no good reason decided to have a go at the key step in converting Pola’s power station into a natural history museum. I rather like the Pola kit’s walls, but the roof is of a design that wouldn’t be seen here, or at least not in the Alta Vista TC’s world. From the box art it looked like the kit’s roof could easily be replaced by a flat one. After a lot of study, I got out the sharp tools and proceeded to cut. Over there is a tilt-up after the first round of slicing and sanding. I loosely taped the walls together to check the fit, and after some staring, decided to also remove the remnant overhead strips that came together inside near the main entrance. They didn’t appear to add anything to the strength of the model, and their removal would simplify construction of the new flat roof. It was rather fun to do some hacking, and I hope to find time to continue.

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