Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cartoons, Feburary 1990

As a kid I read Cartoons and Hot Rod Cartoons almost as fervently as any model railroading magazine, so the combination of Cartoons and model cars was irresistible.

I only mention this magazine as it's another instance of stories and model making and including other interesting, related stuff along with the serious bits, well ok, there's no actual model making, or anything serious for that matter, inside this thing, but it's fun. Also, I recently learned that the May 1954 issue of Flying Models was a comic book issue. I need to find that.

Maybe these days there might be a market for some sort of graphic novel / manga / model building hybrid. Even though Cartoons is just silly fun, that doesn't necessarily mean a modelling magazine with a graphic novel format would be. Since comics are a lot more mainstream and respectable than they once were, for all I know there might already be one publishing somewhere in the world.
From Interview with Skayl Weelz: Manic Modeler by Carl Kohler - take that In Miniature :-)

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