Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Long train runnin' at Meadows, Manitoba

These days I'm looking through YouTube for either model or real railway themed videos that strike me as particularly Canadian. Boomer Dioramas is one, and recently I've been going through Steve Boyko's. There are lots of great videos there, but for some reason I've watched the one above several times. I find these long, double-stacked container trains mesmerizing, especially this one rolling through Manitoba. And on the other end of the length scale, there's this one of the Greater Winnipeg Water District train.


  1. Those up to 3 mile long trains with DPUs (Distributed Power Units - radio controlled) are to be seen on many youtube channels, many 'live'.
    One I watch (too much?) is Virtual Railfan at Fort Madison that has two E-W tracks and a N-S line. The E-W lines cross the mississippi on a massive swing bridge that regularly opens for massive barge traffic and if you are very lucky you may spot an Amtrack passenger - one each way daily, it rarely runs to schedule (several hours to days late!). Lots to watch, including the construction plant rebuilding the road.
    As well as the double stack containers (no Ever Given here) there are long trains of piggy back semi trailors shipping for UPS, Amazon etc... saving highway miles and drivers.
    A long way from the box cars and cabosses of old!
    Plenty of ideas for for modelling, if you can tear away from the 'tube'.
    See VF Ft Madison at :-
