Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Centre building standing

Building the core for the Canadian Press building was a little tricky. One thing I learned was I need to buy a specialized foam board cutting tool if I'm going to continue working with that material.

The main side walls, roof, and walls for the ground floor stores were cut from 3/16" white foam board. They were glued up into a structure using a combination of transfer tape, Weld Bond, and Roket card glue. I'll admit to overkill, but I wanted to make the structure as solid as I could.

The interior floors are cut from 1/8" white foam board. The back of each floor has a couple of notches cut in so lighting wiring can be snaked to the ground floor. I envision the floor details being built up on styrene 'trays' that can be slipped into the structure.

That light brown outline on the foam board edges is transfer tape for bonding the floors to the facade.

The resulting box had a slight twist in it, so before attaching the facade I put it in an old frame clamp that I found when I was cleaning up the workshop a few months ago. I had thought I had lost this thing and was quite glad to find it and see that it still works.

The very last thing was to bond the facade to the box. While the glue was drying I placed a heavy book on top and waited.

It stands pretty square. There's a lot of detailing on the horizon for this thing, but the basic structure is now finished.


  1. Garner’s Modern English Usage and Oxford FTW!

    1. Their weightiness comes in handy in more ways than one ....
