Sunday, March 1, 2020

Track at Ocean Park

Before gluing the track to the foam base I ended up changing the beach drop-off spur to accommodate two streetcars. Both tracks will be accessible from the beach-side sidewalk that runs parallel to the road. That white foam strip at the bottom of the photo is the base for the road and sidewalk.

I'm toying with the idea of having some sort of arch near the sidewalk over the tracks into and out of Ocean Park. Maybe a highly simplified Princes' Gates. Vince often notes I have a pronunciation all my own, and the Princes' Gates is one for Garner: juvenile me thought it was called the Princess Gates. I hate to admit what age I was at when I finally wised up :-)


  1. I like the terminus tweak, will be good to have a waiting tramcar there for the summer crowds.

    What you suggest about an arch over the tracks reminds me of the tram stop at Porta Maggiore in Roma. Bit surreal to see trams going through a bit or original Roman wall!

    1. Interesting. I didn't know about that. In Toronto the Canadian National Exhibition grounds also has the Dufferin Gate where there's a TTC streetcar stop:
