Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Jammed doors halt the Confederation Line for two days in a row

The Alstom Citadis Spirit trains running on the Confederation line are having serious door issues. During yesterday morning's rush hour a door jammed at a station stop at around 8:05am causing the entire LRT service to stop until around 9:00 am (City apologizes for chaotic commute caused by jammed LRT door), and this morning, also at around 8 am, another jammed door stopped LRT operations until around 9:15 am when full service was resumed ("It's a disaster": Jammed door holds up LRT for 2nd straight morning). This is looking like a systemic issue in the door system. Hardware? Software? Operations? There are no reports in the media regarding root cause, although the initiating event appears to be riders that prevent doors from closing. I suspect all the system details aren't known just yet, and the city might not be too forthcoming when they do know. We'll see what happens.

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