Saturday, December 5, 2020


It took a few days of spare time, but the lights on upper Ocean Blvd are wired up.

Those copper strips are the power buses - there's one for each side of the street - and the side street is a stub off the lower bus. A pair of 9VDC wall warts are used for power.

Once the power buses were installed the module was flipped right side up and the overhead 'wires' - actually, elastic cotton threads - were strung using the same methods as used on the lower section of Ocean Blvd.

The module's now ready for reconnecting to the layout. Once there I'll just need to connect the overhead to the section on lower Ocean Blvd. 

Yeah, that middle street light needs some straightening - that's not perspective distortion. Although, when I've viewed a few street lights up close and personal, many are not as perpendicular to the ground as one might expect, although that one is particularly bad.


  1. It's so much easier to do the wiring when the bench work can be set up that way. I've done most of my current layout in modules mostly for that reason. You progress is looking good !

    1. Thanks for the kind words! When I reconfigured the layout and workshop last year I wanted to make sure that I could do most of the tasks I was interested in standing up. There are some I still have to crawl around to do, but there's not that many.
