Friday, August 30, 2019

A garden of TT delights

I was chatting with a friend of mine this week about a Rocket Garden he's building where all the rockets are being made from Lego. He recently finished a Saturn 1B, an impressive work of Lego kit mingling supplemented with carefully chosen speciality Lego blocks, that will be parked next to a massive Lego Saturn V. The scale of these turns out to be 1:110, and I mentioned that was close to TT, which I thought was 1:100.

It turns out TT's scale ratio is more complex than I thought. Wikipedia tells me this: in its country of origin, the USA, it's 1:120; in the UK its 1:101.6; and in Russia it's 1:130. Clearly my thinking was stuck on UK usage. 

And, as it turns out, Revell’s Jupiter “C” rocket and rail-based gantry kit, is also 1:110, not quite TT, but close, and it's the same as the Lego rockets. I haven't yet finished the kit. About a year ago I added some more details and stripped off the HO trucks. I was going to replace the HOs with N-scale trucks so I could use Kato Unitram track as the basis of the launch pad layout. Watch this space - so to speak - but don't hold your breath :-)

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