Saturday, March 16, 2019

Where in the world were E. L. Moore and Carl Sandburg in 1945?

From a 1945 Charlotte business directory
File this one under Reaching Analysis: Carl Sandburg, the famous poet and Lincoln biographer, comes up a lot when Vince and I are shooting the breeze. Well, you know how my mind works, after awhile I had to ask, did Carl Sandburg and E. L. Moore ever meet? I'd say no, their orbits never crossed, but, surprisingly, North Carolina did enter their trajectories. 

In 1945 Carl Sandburg bought an estate called Connemara, located in Flat Rock, North Carolina, which is around 80 miles south and west of the Spruce Pine / Toe River Valley area of North Carolina where E. L. Moore roamed in the 1930s. Sandburg lived there with his family until he died in 1967. However, in 1945 Mr. Moore appeared to be firmly established in Charlotte, and was running his photography studio on Tryon, as is shown in the business directory entry. And it looks like Mr. Sandburg never left the midwest until his 1945 move. Did E. L. Moore ever meet Carl Sandburg? The only connection I might put forward is they appeared to have had an affinity for the same geographical region. If Moore and Sandburg ever did meet  it was probably only in the pages of one of Mr. Sandburg's books in E. L. Moore's 1,000 volume library.


  1. It's good to look around ELM's stomping grounds. I found a chemical plant with similar tanks as 1/2 his model and it must've influenced him. What else is out there that gave him inspiration?

    1. There might still be some sites out there he may have seen that still exist. Well, the mountains are still there :-) I haven't traveled near his 1930's stomping grounds. The closest I've been was a brief drive through part of the Blue Ridge Mountains on my way to the naval base in Norfolk Va. about 30 some years ago. At the very least it would be interesting to visit Charlotte.
