Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Beginning scenery

For little mental breaks while I finish up the E. L. Moore book I like to putter with scenery on the experimental farm layout.

I'm currently putting down the base layer of green grass beside the track. It's where the poles for the overhead wiring will be installed. 

Down at the far end you'll see Vicki's Veggies. It's at the farm's road edge so passersby can pick up some farm fresh veg on their way home. There's going to be a tomato patch beside it. Some Woodland Scenic's soil flocking has been glued down to get it started.

If all goes well there'll be a model of the Photo Equatorial building near the inside loop, and an 'insectary' somewhere inside the farm's grounds.

The Insectary: A classic E. L. Moore style subject?
Yeap, the insectary was an actual building at the Central Experimental Farm. Apparently during WWI there was a lot of concern about insect pests chomping away on crops, so research was begun to see what could be done. One of the buildings used to support that work was the insectary. The building still stands today, although I think it's being put to some other use.


  1. With all those windows so neatly would be a challenge to make that building using Moore's methods. Tichy or Grandt products and styrene would be far simpler. But would the "look" be the same? Probably not, but that's okay.

    1. I think you're right, especially since the other long wall has an equal number of windows! Which makes this interesting to me, but probably tough to build.
