Thursday, February 24, 2022

A few trees

I've been spending some time working on a few Eastern White Cedar trees - nine to be exact. I was going to do a post on how I built them, but eventually realized that given that this is the first time I've made trees, and there's lots of things that need improvement, I'm going to leave that how-to post until I'm fairly confident about making them. Also, there's nothing special about the method I used as it's fairly common. The difficult part is me getting the hang of it.

Although one thing I will say is that I'm constantly trimming and adjusting the trees as I walk around the layout and look at them from different angles. Even looking at these photos I see lots of little tweaks I need to do once I'm done typing :-)

I think I require maybe 8 to 12 more of these cedars. The ones I've made so far are fairly generic. The next batch needs to have a few made for specific locations. I also want a few paper birches, tall pines, and an oak or two, so I've got to study up on how to make those species.