Sunday, July 28, 2019

A paper metal revival?

Voie Libre International never fails to surprise and delight. Among other interesting stories, issue #98, July / August / Sept 2019, has a fascinating article called Making Corrugated Sheet-Metal Out of Paper, by Éric Fresné, where he discusses a method for making 1/76 scale corrugated metal panels from paper. You may recall E. L. Moore had a way of making those sorts of panels in HO, but I think Mr. Fresné's method gives a better result, and I suspect it should work quite well in HO too. It turns out there's no connection between Mr. Fresné and Mr. Moore other than a creative outlook.


  1. Replies
    1. The post will have to remain a tease as I wouldn't want to do my French friends out of any sales.

  2. IF memory serves, Wayne Wesolowski had an article on making paper look like metal, and perhaps also Brick Price's book...I'll have to do some digging in the library and see, if you'd like. Wayne's technique may have also been in his scratchbuilding structures book.

    1. I need to look those up. Thanks for the tip!
