Sunday, January 14, 2024

Coles on Yonge: Signs

With signs the building is starting to look more alive. The letters in the main COLES sign were cut from pieces of 0.080" thick styrene in much the same way the letters for its descendent, the World's Biggest Bookstore, were made. The lower sign, the Book people!, is a printout of an online photo sized and trimmed to fit the model, and then sandwiched between two pieces of clear plastic. 

One other thing. I had made the entry doors too short, and it gave me a bad feeling every time I looked at the model. My brain would constantly nag, "those doors aren't right, those doors aren't right,...". No matter how much those big yellow letters made the facade pop, I couldn't pry my eyes from the doors. I decided I couldn't live with that nagging, so I went ahead, threw caution to the wind as they say, and pried off the door frames. Luckily, it was a little easier than I thought and they came off with some gentle but persistent work. A new centre piece was cut, and the frame pieces were re-glued to locations that looked right. I now have some psychological relief :-)

Next step: interior and lighting.


  1. I've had a few moments like those, when you make a compromise or a slight mis-step and decide to live with it. But then the thing builds some momentum and starts to thud against some part of your brain that is involved with judgement and eventually you have to do something about it, even if that course of actuion might be painful. But oh, the relief! I'm glad you sorted those door frames!

    1. That's it exactly. It was it a little thing, but something that screamed at me every time I looked at it.

  2. Cutting those individual letters must have been a tedious process. Bravo, they look great.

    1. Thanks! Yes, they took awhile as the plastic was quite tough.
