Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Let's Ride!

With Christmas come and gone it seems like 2023 is over regardless of what the calendar has to say. Here’s a little video I took a few weeks ago to see if the farm’s track was still operating. Still lots of modelling ahead on this layout, so fun times on the horizon.


  1. Those drivers sure must be in a hurry to get there. And you're not gonna run two opposing direction trolleys?

    1. The nasty little secret on this layout is that 2 HO scale trolleys can't run side-by-side without sideswiping each other :-( However, with judicious use of the inner loop, two-way operation is possible.

      One thing I should note is the switches on the farm are configured in power routing mode. This means when the switches are set for going around the outside loop, the inner loop has no power so a trolley can be parked in there. Likewise, switching to the inner loop turns the power off to the outer loop allowing a trolley to part there. I'll have to make a video to demonstrate that. These Kato switches can be configured for non-power routing if power routing isn't something one wants.
