Thursday, December 15, 2022

It's E. L. Moore everywhere I look

Snipped from the image on pg 82 of MR, Jan '23

I bought a copy of the Jan '23 issue of Model Railroader yesterday and sat down to read it last night. On the back page Tony Koester has some interesting reminisces of his early days at Railroad Model Craftsman and the late Allen McClelland. The lead photo is one of Mr. McClelland and his legendary V&O. Me being me, what jumped right out at me in the photo was the build up of the AHM Ma's Place kit in the image's lower centre. I assure you I don't deliberately scan for Moorian references in every photo I look at, but I'm so immersed in them they just pop out at me if they're there. I suspect the photo was shot in the '70s when the kit was in its heyday, so in some respects it's not unusual to see.

And here's a more recent instance. I was watching SMT Mainline's latest layout video at his YouTube channel and spied the Brewery kit in an industrial area of his layout.

There's Moore history hidden in plain sight everywhere.


  1. Very good spotting the Brewery, I needed your prompt to recognise it from that angle.

    1. Thanks! I think I have that shape engrained in my memory now.
