Thursday, January 27, 2022

Restarting the E. L. Moore book

The E. L. Moore book is back on. After an extensive email exchange with Galen I realized I was looking at the book the wrong way. I’ve been focused too much on the market and cost, and too little on E. L. Moore’s legacy, approach, and a way of model railroading that's rapidly vanishing. I’m not saying cost and market are unimportant, just that I lost sight of the bigger picture. Also, I’ve been a bit discouraged in having the deal on the second collection of E. L. Moore models fall through, and after locating E. L. Moore’s daughter, having her decline invitations to speak with me. I respect her decision. I’m a researcher and investigator, not a stalker or paparazzi, although I think Margaret Atwood once wrote there wasn’t any difference :-) Anyway, I don’t have any schedule, plan, or delivery date, just a desire to get back to work on chapters. I’ll see how that goes.


  1. The most cost effective thing would be to make it an ebook. Color books around 175 pages are remarkably expensive. A coffee table book would be nice, but you'd have to order a large number before the price even got approachable. Or chop it down in number of pages... which makes it less complete. And that's all content from your blog; a real collection of ELM articles would take a 4 volume set on its own!

    1. You're right, the cost of a full color book is eye watering. Ebook will likely be the way.

      It's too bad the actual ELM articles are unobtainable, as I agree that a proper book(s) would reproduce them all, probably with some side commentary and maybe some updates on substituting modern materials - there is a balsa shortage now :-)

    2. I substitute materials based on my smaller scale. Cardboard is way more obtainable than balsa and, to me, easier to work with. I still like balsa for imprinting textures (like wood shingles, log cabin sides or stone).

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