Friday, August 28, 2020

Let's fly. On a train!

Forget about malfunctioning LRTs, and let's time travel to Germany in 1902 and board the flying train. 


  1. You probably are already aware, but this line is still running today. And, there are even a few intrepid folks who have made modules of this incredible railway and, I think, a commercially available model. Put 'wuppertal schwebebahn modell' in the YouTube search bar. There's a nice side-by-side video of the footage from 1902 with more recent video.

    1. No, I didn't know it was still in operation. I just assumed something so interesting was now long defunct :-( I'm going to have to follow your tips for more elevated goodness. Thanks!

  2. Yes, I would've assumed we'd bombed it to scrap back in the war, but sometimes goodness survives a tragic time.
