Saturday, January 17, 2015

Alternative track decomposition for the EVRR

Back in the Elizabeth Valley Railroad post I made a sketch showing how the trackplan could be unfolded into a dogbone. Since I installed the ground layer to the layout panel I've been trying to wrap my head around how this thing will be wired. I think there are other track decompositions than the one I drew in that post. That's one in the picture. The green line is the basic plan with two reversing loops at either end. The orange lines are segments that can be isolated and selectively powered to allow a train to run onto a green line without shorting the whole thing out. I need to think about this some more before laying the track.


  1. In the 1990's, I built a 2x3 N scale EVRR. Here's a video I made of it:

    1. A charming video! Great job. Do you have a trackplan? I was never able to find a complete plan in E. L. Moore's publications and resorted to trying to deduce it from the clues in his various articles. What I could dig up I wrote about in this post:

  2. Here's my own "deduced" plans I drew up many years ago. I scanned in both the EVRR and the engine terminal into that FB photo album.

    1. Amazing! I think our plans are more or less the same. One thing I couldn't figure out was where the E&K HOn2 1/2 was dual tracked on the EVRR. Any thoughts on that?

    2. Seriously, no, I've never seen evidence of dual gauge. There've been single photos, but none that I could link to the 6x4 EVRR.
