Sunday, June 22, 2014

TTC Flexity Outlook on a training run

[Photo of a Bombardier Flexity Outlook in Toronto Transit Commission colours by Vince Pugliese. It was shot on an iPhone and post-processed with Instagram filters. This and other photos can be found on Instagram.]

Vince sent me this photo he took of one of the TTC's new Bombardier Flexity Outlook streetcars on a training run. The Toronto Star reports that the first vehicles will enter regular service on the TTC's Spadina line later this summer on 31August. 


  1. Like Melbourne, after eons of operating bogie trams (W,Z,A,B class), the introduction of fixed truck articulated trams often with a heavier axel loading (C&D classes)has resulted in far greater wear and tear on the rail infrastructure. The new E class is a Flexity derivative with pivoting bogies in an attempt to alleviate the issue. Best of luck.

    1. I've got my fingers crossed. I'm curious to see how they'll operate when the snow falls since the body is much closer to the ground.
