Monday, July 1, 2024

Mountain in a Trunk

Ok, well, it's the Mt. Lowe micro-layout structure in the cargo area of a Honda CR-V. Transporting it shouldn't be a problem.


  1. I don't know what scenery holds for this layout. I'm hoping you put up tall side panels and mostly make the track "ground level" and refrain from everything being tall bridges over towering gorges. But that's just my limited vision.

    1. Well, I wanted have some features of the Mt. Lowe's Alpine Division that I liked. One lobe will have its Circular Bridge, which will span a gorge, another lobe will be Inspiration Point, no bridge just a high look-out with some stairs and a covered structure to shade the viewers, and the third lobe is somewhat free-form: it'll feature a small parking area where passengers will leave their cars and meet the trolley - I'm thinking a structure similar to the Poppyfields trolley stop will be included even though it wasn't part of the Alpine Division. Overall I'm interested in seeing if I can capture something of the spirit of the Mt. Lowe's Alpine Division.
