Saturday, June 8, 2024

Climbing curve test

The next step in testing the LOL Mk. I was rounding a layout-like curve while climbing a 10% grade. I think the above set up, with approximately a 10% grade and a 10.5" diameter curve, is about the tightest the little vehicle can handle. The motor sounds fine and the wheels don't slip, but I found that it's important to make sure the grade is as close to 10% as I can get it, and to make sure the track is fairly level across the ties. The track's elasticity has a mind of its own and wants to spring the rails into a shape that isn't conducive to smooth LOL travel. Ok, the signs are good, but I'm still not convinced the layout is possible. More testing? Hmmmm.


  1. 2 things. I did a similar test on my EVRR and determined the engine could pull uphill properly. When done, I discovered it went up slow and down very fast. I force-fitted a trolley engine inside a baggage car for more even speed both directions. Secondly, I entirely forgot to put easements into the vertical elevations. It turned out okay but could have been better. No matter; I rarely run the layout anyway, as I'm all about scenery and not into "operation".

    1. Thanks for sharing your findings. I'm not into operation either, but I do want to be able to run the trolley over the track without any problems.
