Friday, September 15, 2017

E. L. Moore's Autobiography

It’s one thing to get familiar with E. L. Moore’s work through scans of his articles, and it’s completely another to see them in the wild, in their natural environment, nestled within the pages of the magazines and jostling with all the other cool stuff. So, I’m casually strolling through the June 1962 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman, the one with E. L. Moore’s Vermont Covered Bridge article, and what do I see on page 9: that up there! Yeah, his ‘autobiography’ and selfie that I wrote about back in January 2016. I’m glad to see it got published.


  1. Leave it to ELM to put our such an outlandish life story and picture. He could not have been that eccentric! I'm sure, in his desire for humble anonymity, he took it as a writing and photographic challenge to create the weirdest bio anyone has ever seen in print.

    1. Today I guess we might think of that photo and 'bio' as a form of cosplay, but instead of mimicking some Hollywood or comic book character that somebody else created, he created his own alternative, one that also came across in his writing. Although Chic Sale might have been an influence.
