Friday, November 10, 2023

A photo in the spirit of an E. L. Moore reference scene

The above is another photo from my archeological dig through family records. Having E. L. Moore's works and style permanently imprinted on my brain I immediately thought upon seeing this image, "this could have been a classic ELM model and scene." Let me assure you this picture has nothing to do with Mr. Moore, it's just my addled brain at work.

I don't know when or where it was shot, or by who. My best guess is it was taken sometime in the 1920s, probably in New York state. Which of my long gone relatives took it is lost to time.

Here's an enlargement of the car:

My guess is that it's a Model T Ford. The license plate is fascinating. Was it really the 837th automobile licensed in the state? If so, it's hard to imagine a time when there were so few cars on the road.

Here's an enlargement of the house:
A gaggle of geese, wagon wheels, and a little bridge over a creek. Maybe one of Ma Spumoni's relatives lived here :-)


  1. That house has to be an ELM inspiration- look how the addition to the right is going "uphill" in an unnatural sag.

    1. I do like that sag. I'd like to see if that know-it-all, ChatGPT, could write an ELM-style article to create this house :-) Failing that, maybe when the snow is deep here I'll give it a try. I could make for an interesting and simple project.
