Saturday, July 13, 2024

A little bit of aura

I thought, well, since I'm reading Olson's and Furlow's books I need to find a copy of Westcott's book about John Allen if I'm to have any chance of properly understanding what was going on with O and F. After a long search I was able to find a good copy at a reasonable price. It arrived today.

There are no marks on my copy other than this name and date, "Duane Herbert 1981", penciled in on the front page in a neat, small script. As I was casually thumbing through the pages after taking the book from the shipping envelope out fell this note:

According to Byung-Chul Han and Walter Benjamin this is a little bit of the book's aura dropping in my lap. Believe me, when I saw this note, the specialness of this copy increased a great deal in my estimation.

The book was published in 1981 so I suspect Mr. Herbert bought it quite soon after it was released given his front page annotation. I have no idea when he loaned it to his father, or if his father read it or enjoyed it.

Yes, the aura does add another dimension to the book. I hope the text has some surprises in store.

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